St. Elias Orthodox Church
Antiochian Archdiocese
716 Copeland Ave, La Crosse, WI
Giving Tuesday 2022

#GivingTuesday is November 29. Can we count on your support?

We have an ambitious but achievable goal of expanding our historic building and improving accessibility. This expansion allows us to grow the parish, welcome more guests and do more good in the world. 

St. Elias Church has a capacity for only 40 people and limited accessibility. An expansion is needed for visitors and families, designed to preserve the historical integrity of the original building. Our plans also include two domes, which have cultural and spiritual significance. Every dollar helps!

You can learn more about the project here

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St. Elias is a small church that relies heavily on the generous donations

and regular contributions of our parish members, friends and those who have historical ties to the church. A sincere thank you for any support you can offer for the well-being and long term survival of St. Elias.

May God be with you!

  • Fri

    Holy Friday
    9:00 am Royal Hours
    3:00 pm Great Vespers
    6:00 pm Lamentations
  • Sat

    Holy Saturday
    10:00 am Vesperal Divine Liturgy
    10:00 pm Paschal Service
  • Sun

    1:00 pm Agape Vespers

St. Elias Orthodox Church * 716 Copeland Ave * P.O. Box 3176 * La Crosse, WI 54602-3176